
What is Herpes?

Herpes simplex infection, commonly known as cold sores, is a viral infection that can occur on any part of the body and is characterized by water-filled blisters and crusting with secondary bacterial infection. HSV-1 and HSV-2 are the most common forms of the herpes simplex virus that cause skin infections. While HSV-1 is generally seen around the mouth and throat, HSV-2 causes condition in the genital area.
Feel Free to Reach Out to Us Regarding Herpes and Shingles Treatment!

Herpes is especially seen in cases of a weakened immune system, stress, trauma, hormonal changes, intense sun exposure, after exposure to ultraviolet rays, colds, infections, and extreme fatigue. The condition is often transmitted during infancy and childhood through close contact with family members and people in the immediate environment who are infected with the virus, as well as through the use of shared materials.

Herpes Treatment

Treatment for herpes varies based on the severity of the infection. Topical antiviral treatment is prescribed for mild cases, while systemic antiviral treatment is recommended for more severe herpes infections. It is crucial to initiate treatment within the first 1-2 days. The most effective approach to prevent transmission is through preventive measures.

You should consult with a dermatologist if:

– you experience frequent and prolonged herpes infections,
– herpes infections occur in areas other than the mouth and lips, and
– you have symptoms such as headache, fever, muscle aches, weakness.


What is Shingles?

Shingles, caused by the varicella-zoster virus, is a condition in which the chickenpox virus, transmitted during childhood, remains dormant (latent) in the roots of nerve cells for many years. It can reappear with the weakening of the immune system. Shingles is colloquially known as the ‘night burn’. It is activated by stress, aging, malnutrition, and immunosuppressant uses and immunosuppressive diseases. When the body becomes unable to control the virus, the skin infection becomes visible. If people with shingles infection come in contact with individuals who have not had chickenpox before, they can cause them to get chickenpox. Shingles begins with a low general wellbeing or the appearance of direct skin lesions and severe pain. Unilateral skin involvement confirms the diagnosis. Shingles reduces the quality of life, and treatment should commence within 1-2 days after the first lesions appear.

Shingles Treatment

Due to the weakened immune system at the root of the condition and the virus in the body, oral antiviral and topical treatments are used in the treatment of shingles. These treatments aim to strengthen the immune system, reduce the effects of the virus in the body, limit the infection, and improve the quality of life after infection.

If treatment for shingles developed later in life is not started early, postherpetic neuralgia can develop following shingles, and this condition can seriously reduce the quality of life and cause pain for a long time. If you have a skin condition, see your dermatologist, and trust your dermatologists with your skin.

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Dermatolog Dr. Deniz Yavuz